Want to know which rebounders we use in studio? Why we wear grip socks on our feet? How high your ceilings need to be to be able to bounce from home? Below we answer all of your frequently asked questions and give you all the information you need before you begin rebounding!
What type of rebounders do you use in studio and in your videos?
We use the bellicon 49"classic rebounders with STRONG (black) or X STRONG (grey) bungees. The 49" rebounder has a 37" bounce area allowing for a full range of movements from side to side and front to back. A bigger mat is a safer mat as you are less likely to step on a bungee. The 44" option works great for smaller spaces.
What bungee strength should I get?
The bungee strength will depend on your weight. Check out bellicon's chart HERE for the best one for you. Bungee strength is important to get the perfect bounce. If they're too light or soft you may hit the floor (bottoming out) or not have enough support. If the bungees are too heavy or stiff they won't absorb as much of the impact, which can be hard on your body. With proper bungees you can enjoy the many benefits of a deeper bounce.
What rebounders do you recommend?
bellicon - the same rebounder we use in studio 49" Classic, linked here
bellicon go - a more affordable, compact version
Jumpsport - a great alternative, lots of different models and price points. We recommend the 570 pro for the larger bounce area
Leaps & Rebounds - firmer bounce, weight limit only 250 LBS
ONETWOFIT 48" Silent Mini Trampoline - a firmer bounce but less expensive option
Amazon and other retailers have many bungee rebounders available. We have not personally tried them and therefore cannot recommend any other than the ones linked above. We do recommend a bungee rebounder over a spring version. Typically the lower the price the firmer the bounce and the more sound the rebounder makes while jumping on it. Not all models are created equal. If you have tried rebounding in the past and felt knee or back pain or any other type of pain it could be the rebounder. Rebounding is not right for everyone but before you give up this form of exercising we highly recommend trying a different model and/or brand.
Will my spring rebounder work? Are bungees better than springs?
The bounce is much smaller on springs than with bungee cords, because the shorter suspension of steel springs offers less elasticity. And while spring rebounders tend to be less expensive, they also tend to be of lower quality and harsher on your joints.
What is the weight limit?
Many rebounders have a weight limit of 300-450 LBS. It is important to read all of the details in the description. bellicon has a weight limit of 440 LBS with its strongest ULTRA bungees. JumpSport 570 Pro has a weight limit of 325 LBS.
Is rebounding really low-impact?
YES! What goes up must come down. When we jump up in the air and come to an abrupt stop on concrete, for example, our body absorbs all of that impact on landing. When jumping on a rebounder the bungees work to slow your landing and help absorb the energy, taking the impact away from your joints. But please remember not all rebounders are created equal. A firmer bounce will have a shorter deceleration phase. Think of it this way: If you drive your car straight into a brick wall, the declaration phase is zero, you are stopped instantly and hard. If you drive your car into an elastic pulled across the road, it will absorb your speed, slowing you to a nice, gentle stop (until it shoots you back in the opposite direction.) That's what a rebounder does - it absorbs your landing and then sends you back up in the air smoothly.
Can I bounce while pregnant?
A gentle health bounce and movements that keep both feet on the mat are great options if you're expecting because these exercises are very low-impact but effective and feel good. High intensity bouncing is not recommended. Please note:
Balance will be affected during pregnancy and there is a risk of losing your balance and falling off the rebounder. In this case we recommend using a T Bar (a handle bar that some rebounders come with that attaches to it, please scroll down to read more about them.)
Beginning a brand new fitness routine while pregnant is not advised unless it is a pre-natal specific program, designed for all stages of gestation. There are many amazing programs out there for moms-to-be.
Always speak to your doctor about starting or maintaining your workouts during pregnancy.
Why do you wear grip socks on your feet? Can I wear runners? Go barefoot?
Bouncing barefoot is a great way to strengthen the feet and ankles. It also helps you feel the mat and edge band to keep your feet in the right place and off the bungees. Your feet play a huge part in balance, the sensors in your feet send information to the balance center in your brain.
We use grip socks to prevent slipping, and for hygienic reasons in our studio/shared space. Also, the mat can irritate the bottom of the feet so we like to keep them covered.
If you need more support or stability, running shoes can help, especially during the faster tracks in our classes. If you have a firm rebounder, we suggest you wear them if you can feel the impact of the bounce in your feet or joints. Runners will help protect your body.
We recommend taking a few minutes on the rebounder barefoot to build strength before or after your workout.
I can't bounce or jump! I would pee my pants.
Urinary leakage is very common for people who have a weak pelvic floor or any type of pelvic floor dysfunction. While more common after child birth, incontinence can also develop with age and does not discriminate against gender. You do not have to have given birth to experience it either. While leaking is common, it should not be considered normal. It can and should be fixed. We highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor specialist or physiotherapist for an assessment and treatment. A little bit of pee is nothing to be embarrassed about, but it is not something that you should just live with and accept. Bouncing on a rebounder engages every single muscle in your body with every bounce, including your pelvic floor. This is a good thing as it can help build strength and aid in recovery. It’s also important to start slowly when you begin rebounding, increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts very gradually, allowing your body to adapt to the exercise comfortably and safely. When you first start it may also be best to avoid movements that put excess pressure on the pelvic floor, like jumping jacks, turbulence or having both feet off the mat at the same time, and instead build a workout routine from pelvic-friendly, light-to-moderate intensity cardio movements. Rebounding is not recommended if you have a prolapse.
I live in an apartment. Will my neighbors below hate me?
The right rebounder is totally silent and will make less noise then walking about your apartment. The bungees on the rebounder absorb your landing, therefore you don't have any contact with the floor during your workout. An unstable or uneven rebounder may make some noise on a hard floor. Spring rebounders or cheaper bungee rebounders can squeak with each bounce.
My ceilings aren't high enough.
You only need 8' ceilings to use your rebounder. Rebounding is different than jumping on a trampoline. The goal is not to bounce up, but to bounce down into the mat. You need less height while using a rebounder as the goal is to stay low to the surface.
Can I use my kids mini trampoline?
Check the weight limit. Some kids' mini trampolines/rebounders are only weighted to 50 LBS. Also, most of them are lower to the floor making the risk of bottoming out and hurting yourself quite high.
Can I use my backyard trampoline to do your classes?
Backyard trampolines or gymnastics trampolines have a totally different bounce than that of a rebounder. Due to the size and design, on big trampolines you sink down, way lower into the mat and bounce up much, much higher into the air. Typically you are using the trampoline and your own body weight to jump higher and higher. On a rebounder we bounce down into the surface and use our core strength to keep from bouncing up. This completely changes the effect of the bounce on the body. You can do rebounder exercises on a big trampoline, but you will need to focus on keeping the bounce small, and you will not be able to go as fast. But don't let that stop you from enjoying your trampoline.
Should I get a rebounder with a T Bar? Why don't you use a T Bar?
Many rebounders come with a T Bar handle, or come with one you can attach. We choose not to use one in our programming because when we first started out, we found the T Bar got in the way during our movements and there was a risk of hitting an arm, or a leg (or a foot!) on it which would hurt. We also found that if you lean on it when bouncing it causes the back of the rebounder to lift up and was a flipping concern. BUT it is great when you are getting started or have balance issues.
What's the difference between a rebounder and a mini trampoline?
In the past, rebounders were made with metal springs, were very firm and had a small bounce area. As the industry introduced bungee rebounders that had a softer bounce, higher legs and larger bounce surfaces some brands referred to them as mini trampolines. Rebounding is the type of exercise and it can be done on a rebounder or a mini trampoline.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of rebounding and why we love our bellicons so much and what sets them apart check out the bellicon website.