Looking for a cool and savory summer appetizer that will satisfy all of your taste buds? Well look no further! Today we're continuing our "Cooking With!" series with Erika's Flavorful Watermelon Salad!
You will need fresh mint for this recipe. Erika got it from her very own garden but you can get it at the grocery store as well.
- 1 small, seedless watermelon - A small container of feta cheese, or goats milk feta - 3-4 sprigs of fresh mint - 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar glaze OR you can make balsamic vinaigrette by combining 1/4 cup olive oil and 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar and whisking together - Salt and pepper to taste
1. Chop up the watermelon into cubes and place in bowl 2. Chop up the feta cheese into cubes and add to bowl 3. Rinse and clean the mint leaves 4. With scissors or a knife, cut up the mint leaves, add to the rest of the ingredients 5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper 6. Pour the balsamic glaze on top 7. Mix well
***Feel free to add more salt and pepper and/or more balsamic glaze, to your liking.
If you're wondering if it tastes as good as it looks IT DOES!!